SR-22 Mandatory Insurance Supervision Additional Requirement
How will it work?
When you are placed on Court Supervision, the Circuit Court will report the information to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State will then send you a Notice informing you of your SR-22 Insurance Requirement.
When should I file the SR-22?
You should not file the SR-22 until you receive a Notice from Secretary of State. (Please make sure your driver’s license record reflects your most recent address. You can update your address online.) After receipt of the mailed notice, you will have approximately 90 days to file the SR-22 to prevent a driver’s license suspension. Please allow 30 days for processing by the Secretary of State.
What is the SR-22?
The SR-22 is a certificate of insurance filed by the home office of your insurance company directly to the Secretary of State.
How do I get the SR-22?
The SR-22 may be obtained by contacting your insurance company or your insurance agent. Standard liability insurance or insurance binders are not acceptable. When payment is made to an insurance agency, the agent will submit a request for an SR-22 certificate to the central office of the insurance company. The SR-22 Certificate will be sent directly to the Secretary of State in Springfield. This process may take up to 30 days. Upon acceptance, you will receive a copy of the SR-22 from the insurance company, as well as a letter from Secretary of State.
How long do I file the SR-22?
The SR-22 must be on file with the Secretary of State for one year. Cancellation of your insurance premium will result in an immediate driver’s license suspension.
What should I do now?
Nothing is required of you until you receive your Notice from the Secretary of State in the mail. When you receive the notice, you should then contact your insurance agent and request an SR-22 certificate. Please note that not all insurance companies write SR-22s; however, your agent will be able to refer you to an insurance company that does.
Mandatory Insurance Driver’s License Suspension
Beginning July 1, 2007, individuals convicted of driving without liability insurance under 625 ILCS 5/3-707 will lose their driving privileges for a minimum of three months. The suspension will be extended for an additional six months, if the individual is convicted of a second offense while the first offense remains in effect. The law, Public Act 91-1035, requires that a $100 reinstatement fee be paid to the State prior to license reinstatement. The law does not allow any driving permit during the course of this suspension.
Court Supervision for Mandatory Insurance Violations
Individuals receiving court supervision for mandatory insurance violations under authority Section 3-307 are required to file the SR-22 certificate for a period of one (1) year. The SR-22 is required as a condition of the court supervision. If the motorist fails to renew or cancels the SR-22 policy of insurance, the Secretary of State will suspend the driving record. This suspension cannot be removed until the insurance filing has been reinstated.
Mandatory Insurance Conviction
Individuals receiving three or more convictions for violation of the Mandatory Insurance Law are required to file the SR-22 insurance for a period of one (1) year. If an individual is convicted of a Mandatory Insurance Offense under authority section 625 ILCS 5/3-707, the Secretary of State computer system will search the previous violations for the same offense. Upon the third or subsequent conviction for Mandatory Insurance, a suspension notice will be generated. The driver’s license suspension will be effective in 90 days from the notice date if the SR-22 Insurance is not purchased and processed by the Secretary of State.
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